Service Highlights

  • Same day appointments - call to schedule
  • Pay with cash or Venmo
  • We'll print your documents using our laser printer (b&w only) - additional fee applies
  • Emboss stamp available for extra security
  • Notarization of translated documents (from- and to- any language)
  • Trust Documents
  • Refinancing and Loan Documents
  • Corporate Documents
  • Adoptions
  • Health Care Directives
  • Birth Certificates and Vital Records
  • Power of Attorney
  • Deeds, Grants
  • Patents, Assignments, Filings
  • Traffic school exams - additional fee applies
The mission of Notary-94118 is to uphold the California Notary law while providing professional, prompt service. Notary-94118 has a proven track record of performing general notarizations for attorneys, doctors, local businesses, and the general public; loan signings for mortgage, escrow, refinancing, title companies, lenders and signing services; and trust signings for local, national and international attorneys.